Supernova Group

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Stockholm Observatory Supernova Group

The work done in this group deals with various aspects of supernova research, for example:

Supernovae and circumstellar material around their precursors
Supernovae at high redshifts
Pulsars and Neutron stars
Supernova remnants
Gamma-ray bursts

We do both observational and theoretical research. Please see the individual home pages for more information.

Current members of the group: Previous members:
Claes-Ingvar Björnsson (Assoc. Prof., Prefect)
Claes Fransson (Prof.)
Peter Lundqvist (Assoc. Prof., Royal Academy)
Edvard Mörtsell (Research Assoc.)
Jesper Sollerman (Research Assoc.)
Robert Cumming (Researcher)
Cecilia Kozma (Researcher)
Göran Östlin (Assoc. Prof.)
Michael Blomqvist (Grad. student)
Per Gröningsson (Grad. student)
Laia Mencia Trinchant (Grad. student)
Jens Melinder (Grad. student)
Tanja Nymark (Grad. student)
Natalia Serafimovich (Grad. student)
Jacob Trier Frederiksen (Grad. student)
Anestis Tziamtzis (Grad. student)
Seppo Mattila (2002-2005)
Tomas Dahlén (1997-2002)
Alexey Koptsevich (July-Dec, 2000)
PhD Theses:
2002: Tomas Dahlén:
Supernovae and clusters of galaxies as probes
for the high redshift universe
2000: Jesper Sollerman:
Observations of supernovae and their compact objects
1996: Cecilia Kozma:
Late time emission from core-collapse supernovae
Master Theses on supernovae:
(for details see link at Sthlm Observatory)
2003: Jan Lindahl,
2000: Erik Johansson,
1998: Christer Sandin

Some links:
Supernova group meetings.
Supernova-related Stockholm preprints.
Project and School: The AlbaNova High Energy Astrophysics and Cosmology Centre (HEAC).
Project: Early Evolution of a Nearby Type Ia Supernovae.
Guests visiting the Supernova Group.

This page maintained by Peter Lundqvist, Last updated: January 29, 2006.