Title: ------ Late Spectral Evolution of SN 1987A: I. Temperature and Ionization Authors: -------- Cecilia Kozma & Claes Fransson (Stockholm Observatory) Abstract: --------- The temperature and ionization of SN 1987A is modeled between 200 and 2000 days in its nebular phase, using a time-dependent model. We include all important elements, as well as the primary composition zones in the supernova. The energy input is provided by radioactive decay of \isotope{56}{Co}, \isotope{57}{Co}, and \isotope{44}{Ti}. The thermalization of the resulting gamma-rays and positrons is calculated by solving the Spencer-Fano equation. Both the ionization and the individual level populations are calculated time-dependently. Adiabatic cooling is included in the energy equation. Charge transfer is important for determining the ionization, and is included with available and estimated rates. Full, multilevel atoms are used for the observationally important ions. As input models to the calculations we use explosion models for SN 1987A calculated by Woosley \etal and Nomoto \etal The most important result in this paper refers to the evolution of the temperature and ionization of the various abundance zones. The metal-rich core undergoes a thermal instability, often referred to as the IR-catastrophe, at $600 - 1000$ days. The hydrogen-rich zones evolve adiabatically after $500 - 800$ days, while in the helium region both adiabatic cooling and line cooling are of equal importance after $\sim 1000$ days. Freeze-out of the recombination is important in the hydrogen and helium zones. Concomitant with the IR-catastrophe, the bulk of the emission shifts from optical and near-IR lines to the mid- and far-IR. After the IR-catastrophe, the cooling is mainly due to far-IR lines and adiabatic expansion. Dust cooling is likely to be important in the zones where dust forms. We find that the dust condensation temperatures occur later than $\sim 500$ days in the oxygen-rich zones, and the most favorable zone for dust condensation is the iron core. The uncertainties introduced by the, in some cases, unknown charge transfer rates are discussed. Especially for ions of low abundances differences can be substantial. To appear in: ------------- ApJ (Main Journal); scheduled for April 1, 1998, Vol. 496.