18-cm VLA Observations of OH Towards the Galactic Centre.
Absorption and Emission in the Four Ground-State OH Lines.
R. Karlsson,L.O. Sjouwerman, Aa Sandqvist, J.B. Whiteoak
The OH distribution in the Sgr A Complex has been observed in the 1612-,
1665-, 1667- and 1720-MHz OH transitions with the Very Large Array
(VLA) in BnA configuration. Maps are presented
with a channel velocity resolution of about 9 km/s and with angular
resolutions of 4" x 3". Some clear results are
highlighted here, such as absorption from the Circumnuclear Disk
(CND) and the OH-Streamer inside the CND near Sgr A*, strong
absorption towards most of the eastern and western parts of the
Sgr A East shell, lack of absorption towards both Sgr A West and the
compact HII-regions to the east of Sgr A East, and double-lobed
structure of the High Negative Velocity Gas (HNVG)
oriented northeast and southwest of Sgr A*, and finally compact,
point-like maser emission in all four transitions, in particular a
1720-MHz maser at -132 km/s in the CND as counterpart to a
1720-MHz maser at +132 km/s in the CND.